Florida is not only a leader in tourism but also the #1 location for domestic migration—in other words, more people move here than any other state in the US. New Florida residents can find it challenging to adapt to life here for a variety of reasons. For example, many people struggle to get used to local weather patterns.

A User’s Guide to Septic Systems

In our experience here at Tampa Bay Septic, many new residents also find it challenging to adjust to living in homes with private septic systems, so we have put together this article to go over some key information you will need to know in order to get the best results from yours.

  • Inspection – We recommend that all septic systems be inspected by professionals at least once every three years. Septic failures are extremely messy and can have serious consequences for public and environmental health, but regular inspections will allow you to prevent your system from failing and instead keep it in optimal condition. You can count on our team to identify and correct any issues we find right away.
  • PumpingSeptic systems also need to be pumped regularly—we recommend once every three to five years. Septic pumping is the process of removing the solid waste from your tank to make room for more, and our team is here to take care of this unpleasant chore for you.
  • Clog Prevention – The last point we’ll cover here concerns clogs and how to prevent them. If you want to avoid clogs and get the best results from your septic system, you will need to be careful what you flush down your toilets. The only things that should go down the toilet are waste, water, and toilet paper—nothing else.