If you’ve recently acquired a home with a septic system, you’ll likely learn quickly that it takes a different kind of care than homes on a municipal sewer system. It is critical that you know the dos and don’ts of septic maintenance to avoid expensive and messy mistakes.

Septic 101: The Most Important Parts of Septic Maintenance

  1. Seek yearly inspections: While your system should work without trouble for the most part, it’s important that you get your tank and drain field inspected yearly to catch any problems early on.
  2. Be careful about what goes into your system: The only thing that should be flushed is toilet paper and human waste. Garbage and other products, including paper towels and wipes, can cause backup issues. You also want to make sure the cleaning products you use are septic safe.
  3. Find a reliable service company right away: Seek out a company that can perform regular inspections as well as repairs. That way, you will know exactly who to call the moment any issue arises.

At Tampa Bay Septic, we can perform all of the septic maintenance services you need. We have over 20 years of experience in the septic industry and can help you learn the ropes to keep your system running smoothly. Call us today.